The key to great content: What's your reader thinking?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we always knew exactly what other people were thinking? It would make website, blog and marketing copywriting a lot easier.

Because that’s one of the biggest secrets of successful content. It’s not just knowing your reader’s language and tone of voice, it’s knowing their problems. What they’re looking for. Why they found your website, or blog, in the first place.

Knowing your reader’s mindset is key – as you’re offering the solutions. I’ve always thought that the most successful content is the stuff which instantly resonates with me. As if someone, somewhere, has ‘read my mind’. Yes, I want to say, I can relate to that.

Get inside their minds

Fertility and IVF copywriting is a great example of how important this is. It’s something I specialise in, having written the website and ongoing blog content for a UK fertility clinic for over 10 years.

The readers in this instance are people who are struggling to have a child, and all the emotional devastation, despair and frustration this causes. Fertility clinics offer the hope, expertise and science.

But content isn’t a hard-sell about treatments. It’s about reassurance, knowledge, education and information. Support, understanding and sensitivity. It’s about knowing the patient mindset inside out – their worries, fears, hopes, dreams and questions.

It’s about saying: ‘Yes, we know what you’re feeling and thinking. We can help, and here’s how. Don’t worry, we’re in this together.’

Those with any medical issue are usually knowledge hungry and want to know anything and everything about their condition or situation.

By answering their questions, queries and addressing anxieties through content, people become informed and empowered. They regain a sense of control in a situation that’s out of their control, and that’s a powerful thing. You’re a trusted, expert voice they can turn to.

It’s not all about you

So next time you’re planning some copy, don’t think what you want to say. Think about what people need to hear. It’s always the best place to start.

If you need a freelance copywriter for website content, blogs and more, get in touch with me here.