I Interviewed ChatGPT About Why it Can’t Replace a Copywriter – And What it Thinks of Elon Musk

If you’ve not heard of ChatGPT (Generative Pre-Trained Transformer) yet, where have you been? It’s the all-new Musk-backed, super-speedy Chatbot content generator that spits out words faster than you can think them, let alone type ‘em.  

But what is it exactly? What are its uses? And does it mean the end of professional copywriters like me? Only one way to find out. It was time to meet my ‘scary good’ AI nemesis for a no-holds-barred 1-on-1. I was after some Harry-esque truth bombs all about its impact on content generation, copywriting – and it didn’t disappoint. In fact, it was surprisingly honest.  

None of these responses have been edited, btw. And yes, I went straight for the jugular, Oprah-style.

Hi, and welcome, ChatGPT. Let’s get started with a little introduction!

Hello! My name is Assistant and I am a large language model developed by OpenAI. I am trained on a dataset of millions of web pages and can generate human-like text when given a prompt. I am designed to be able to continue a conversation or complete a given task, such as answering a question or summarizing a passage of text. I am a tool that can be used for various purposes, but because I am a machine learning model and not a human, I am not able to fully understand the context or meaning of the words I am generating. Is there anything else you would like to know?

 Yes. Everyone thinks you're going to replace professional copywriters. Is that true?

There is no doubt that language models like myself have the ability to generate coherent text quickly and efficiently. However, I do not believe that I or any other language model is capable of replacing professional copywriters. While I can generate text based on a given prompt, I do not have the creativity, understanding of context, or ability to understand the specific needs and goals of a client that a human copywriter does.

Copywriting is about more than just stringing words together in a coherent way. It requires an understanding of language, tone, and the specific needs of the client. While I and other language models may be able to assist with certain tasks, we are not able to fully replicate the skills and expertise of a professional copywriter.

Hmm. So what use are you to businesses that need help with copy?

While I and other language models may not be able to fully replace professional copywriters, we can still be a useful tool for businesses. For example, I can assist with generating ideas for content or with creating rough drafts of materials that can then be reviewed and edited by a human copywriter. I can also be used to generate personalized emails or social media posts at scale, or to help with tasks such as summarizing a large amount of text.

Ultimately, the usefulness of a language model like myself will depend on the specific needs and goals of a business. I can be a useful tool to assist with certain tasks, but I am not a replacement for the skills and expertise of a professional copywriter.

What do you think the future holds for generating content with ChatGPT?

It is difficult to predict exactly what the future holds for generating content with ChatGPT or other language models. However, it is likely that these tools will continue to improve and become more advanced over time. As language models are able to generate increasingly human-like text, they may be able to assist with a wider range of tasks and potentially even take on more complex writing projects.

At the same time, it is important to remember that language models are not able to fully understand the context or meaning of the words they are generating. While they may be able to produce coherent text, they are not able to fully replicate the creativity, understanding of context, or ability to understand the specific needs and goals of a client that a human copywriter has.

Well, that IS good news! You seem to know a lot about your limitations - give me 5 reasons why a business still needs a professional copywriter. And make it funny.

Sure! Here are five reasons why a business still needs a professional copywriter, with a bit of humor thrown in:

1.    We have actual human brains, which means we understand context and nuance (unlike ChatGPT and other language models). This is especially important when it comes to crafting marketing materials or website copy that really speaks to your audience.

2.    We can inject some personality and humor into our writing. I mean, have you seen ChatGPT try to be funny? It's like a robot trying to dance - it's just not natural.

3.    We understand your business and your audience. While ChatGPT may be able to generate content, it doesn't have the knowledge or understanding of your industry and target audience that a human copywriter does.

4.    We can build a relationship with you. While ChatGPT may be able to churn out content quickly, it doesn't have the human touch or ability to understand your specific needs and goals.

5.    We don't require regular software updates or a power source. Sure, ChatGPT may be able to generate content faster than a human, but we don't need to be plugged in to do it.

So, while ChatGPT and other language models may be able to assist with certain tasks, they are no replacement for the skills and expertise of a professional copywriter. Trust us, your content (and your business) will thank you.

I like the cut of your jib, ChatGPT. It's good to see you're being honest.

 Thank you! I am an AI language model and do not have personal feelings or emotions, but I am programmed to be honest and transparent in my responses. I am here to assist and provide information to the best of my ability, and it is important to me to be accurate and honest in my answers. Is there anything else I can help with?

Why yes! Can you write a LinkedIn post in the style of Jeremy Clarkson about why people should read this blog about my interview with ChatGPT?

Sure! Here is a LinkedIn post in the style of Jeremy Clarkson about your interview with ChatGPT:

Hey LinkedIn mates!

I recently had the chance to sit down with ChatGPT for an interview, and let me tell you - this language model is bloody brilliant. It's able to generate human-like text faster than I can rev up a supercar, and it's got a wealth of knowledge on all sorts of topics.

If you're interested in learning more about ChatGPT and its capabilities, you'll definitely want to check out Liz’s blog on the interview. It's a top-notch read and a great opportunity to learn more about the world of language models and artificial intelligence.

So don't miss out on this chance to be a part of something special - head on over to Liz’s blog and give it a read. You won't be disappointed!

To be honest, ChatGPT, that’s a bit rubbish.

I apologize if my previous responses were not satisfactory. As an AI language model, I am constantly learning and trying to improve my abilities.

 Well, thanks for your time, ChatGPT. It’s been…interesting.

You're welcome! I'm here to help and assist with any questions or tasks you have. If there is anything else I can do for you, please don't hesitate to ask.

There was one more thing, actually. What do you think of Elon Musk?

I’m watching you ChatGPT…Always Watching

As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or feelings and am not able to comment on the actions or personal choices of individuals. My primary function is to provide information and assist with tasks to the best of my ability. Is there something specific you would like to know about Elon Musk or a related topic that I may be able to help with?

I thought you might say that. Chat later, ChatGPT!

If you’d like copywriting services and content help from a human and not a bot - feel free to contact me here! 

Plus don’t miss this blog: How to successfully use AI copywriting In Your Business.